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Therapeutic Art & Transformational Life Coaching



Penelope is a certificated Transform your life teacher of the Dianna Cooper School of Angels and Ascension.  As also a certified Therapeutic Art Life Coach of Transformation Services Inc

Penelope uses her training, experiences, wisdom and a variety of practical tools appropriate to the individual, within sessions to evaluate personnel problems. With her loving encouragement, insight and expert support, she allows her client to take an active part in a positive process of change for achievement, release and freedom.

Through awareness we can change our unwanted negative feelings and past beliefs that no longer serve us.

 Individual human consciousness affects our reality and creation.  We are awareness, consciousness and presence


  • Release fears, anxiety and phobias.  Restore confidence and peace.

  • Release negative beliefs and limitations by identifying the sourc

  • Transform negative thought patterns

  • Become more effective and focused

  • Discover methods of empowerment and increase your self-esteem.

  • Achieve your dreams by creating abundance in life.

  • Bring in positive change to fulfill your potential

  • Let go of the old unwanted patterns

  • Co create your life with positive intent

 Transformational life coaching is a learning opportunity consciously processed, tailored to your needs in which you identify with your inner self. It builds on personnel awareness to help you release whatever maybe holding you back and fulfill your potential by bringing in changes within, which the universe aligns to.

Through a journey of discovery to find meaning and purpose in your life according to your values, it empowers you by bringing in understanding of your true identity. Changing reality of past negative experiences to positive events through the opportunity of growth and acceptance.  By being aware of were you are within the universe at the present time, in any situation, who you are attached to, what you are attached to and the role you play in the part.



It builds on your vulnerabilities, awareness of choices, boundaries, self-protection, perception, beliefs and conditioning.

Learn how to connects to your inner child and console him or her. Learn to grow with new harmless wise parents. Connect to your spirit guides.

In all it will bring in positive changes for your personnel goals, build self-confidence; allow self-expression and expansion in your personnel growth.

 As positive thoughts and feelings vibrate at a higher level of consciousness then negative vibrations, which you will let go of in the process of inner transformation.

 A few things for thought, from course content;

By changing focus we can live a more soul full life that in turn brings in deeper meaning, appreciation and joy.

By focusing on lack you will never have enough. And the universe will reflect that to you.

By focusing on what you have, you appreciate what you have and abundance flows.

You can manifest prosperity by responsibility and identifying patterns.

You can create new positive friends and claim back your power by healing your shadow aspect.

This course is not about artistic ability, it is about a process of inner change & creativity without standards

 Course content covers:

Components of whole self, changing limiting beliefs & personnel labels, releasing out dated patterns, perception, re-framing thoughts, de-cluttering,  conditioning, judgments, projections, ego, personnel boundaries, de-cording, attachments, your identity, letting go of anger, low self esteem, confidence, good and bad parenting, personnel reflections, being lovable, rejections, affirmations, the inner child, the shadow self, guided meditations,  letting go with forgiveness, exploring intuition, vision or dream boards, journaling, brain storming, understanding who you are etc

I just facilitate the space in the universe to give guidance, hold the energetic space,  give you the tools for change to use through out your life , self growth & inner transformation. With the added benefit of my psychic ability & clairvoyance to give further guidance on your journey & help you to heal within through transitions.

 A worth while journey and life changing experience taken in steps through self-analysis to transform negative aspects of life to a more positive flow of abundance, acceptance and love.

 Please enquire about the upcoming course dates or book for private individual sessions







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