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Mystic Penelope creates spiritual art, alongside her contemporary art practices. For the esoteric world of  spirit & mindfulness.

She also runs various workshops in meditation, psychic development & therapeutic arts/crafts.

Energy Healing  Readings

Channeling High Vibrational Energy, to raise consciousness, being a conduit to light to aid healing in clients. For the Ascension of the New Age of Aquarius, with the consciousness of Oneness. (From the divine intelligence above the mind)



Penelope works in a receptive state of mind, in a state of divine love, compassion, empathy & in a non judgemental way.

As a gifted, intuitive energy healer, & psychic reader, currently training in mediumship, she has deep insights her sensory perception embodies clairvoyance, clairsentience & at times clairaudience.


 Which she uses to facilitate divine guidance during readings or for energy healings to restore health and removal of negative vibrations from situations.

She also uses her energy to teach ascension, self growth & inner transformation to higher dimensions of the soul. And for channelling her visionary art practices.

Guidance from

     the Divine & transformation within

Aura Readings
Reiki Energy Healing
Mediumship - I am currently in training for this
Transformational Life Coaching
Oracle Card Readings
Art Therapy

Meditation & Visualisation
Psychic Development
Visionary & Spirit Art
Distant Healing & Space Clearing
De-cording & Grounding

Living with

   Higher Consciousness

Penelope is an ancient incarnate soul who has trained in Colour Healing, Usui Reiki, The Munay Ki Rites & had The Reconnection done on her energy field.  All of which enhance her natural intuitive abilities & clairvoyance.

The Ascension Process

Penelope says " Although I did not like my gifts in my early years, I would not be without them now, as living with soul energy & higher consciousness makes me whole. It gives me a deeper understanding about people & life in the non-linear sense. After all we are soul & spirit, energy & light, incarnated into a physical body."

I also know higher divine energies truely exist in the ethers, as also low vibrating astral energies, that I have cleared many times."

I know the divine is in all of us, we only have to reach for it & that makes a big difference to the quality of our lives."

May the love & light, be with you & you find peace within your soul

Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find.

The truth lies with in all of us

"For he shall give his angels charge over thee to guard you in all your ways." Psalm 91:11

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