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My Story

Mysticpenelope's story of darkness, inner healing & ascension to higher spiritual planes

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Mysticpenelope is a natural born clairvoyant, healer and channel for light, an energy worker who has been aware of her psychic gifts since three years old and has been developing them ever since.  She is an ancient incarnate soul,  with multiple spiritual talents, who has incarnated to bring light to humanity having been guided by a divine source throughout her life, especially in times of trouble.


She has always been aware of different levels of existence in the universe, life beyond the physical plane. Having been aware of auras, spirits and energy fields as a child, she got labeled as different, but it was something that persisted through out her life. Today her spiritual awareness, wisdom & insights into the human energy field, other dimensions, hauntings & energy is a second nature to her.

Life was not to be comfortable though as she experienced dark adverse events in both her childhood & as an adult.

Tragic circumstances  left her in shock, devastated, broken within & traumatized, as her soul energy got fragmented & shattered around the universe.

Being driven to the edge, unable to love herself, she experienced suicidal thoughts when she couldnt take any more.

Alone in desperation & despair on a high cliff top she knew she only had to take the hand brake off in her car & put her foot down, to end all!

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When Divine Intervention stepped in


As a powerful loving force of energy touched her shoulders & pulled her backwards in her car seat.
Hands in the ethereal dimensions were giving her divine healing warm energy, something was saying 'hold on, dont do it'!

Bewildered she returned back to her life, only to receive more abuse, destruction , tragedy & lose in life. it seemed that death, darkness, destruction, violence & something evil was pursuing her through life. 

Aware of shadows around her on the spiritual level?

Forced to flee from danger, extreme violence with her second child, she eventually escaped to find a new life for herself & new born son.


Left in inner torment of her shadow from past events, she eventually broke down, suffering post traumatic stress and deep depression. In recovery she then had to process her inner world, under go therapy & rebuild her life.


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Life then became a journey of self healing, personal empowerment & inner transformation of her unwanted wounded shadow self. Where she re-discovered her spiritual gifts, trained in energy healing & integrated meditation practices into her life through the ascension process. To align her soul to the light, whilst repairing her own light energy body to over come dark forces in the universe.

By removing negative psychic cords, attachments & reprogramming negative conditioning.

Decades later a new dawn rose from the ashes like a phoenix, as she broke through to a deeper understanding in life. Now she views the dark days as awareness training, initiations that challenged her strength, her identity, her purpose, as she learnt to love & value herself. Having been through the dark night of the soul.



This however has given her great insights into the spirit world & much wisdom, which she also channels into her visionary & contemporary art practices. It has taken her to greater heights by integrating the higher spiritual laws into her life, as she connects to the earths energy grids & the universal light matrix with her higher consciousness.


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Now a spiritual healer herself, who loves, values and believes in herself, with multiple gifts that she has developed, she walks her talk in an empowered, transformed new state of being. Spiritually enlightened, whole, strong and empathic to others. She is now available to help others on their souls journey of self-understanding, self-healing and development of psychic gifts. By connecting people to their true unconditioned self, their spirit guides, their light energy body and in creating their own reality with self-acceptance in alignment to the higher spiritual laws in the universe through their own self responsibility.

She is also a contemporary artist who expresses her insights of the spirit world with a traditional theatrical ghost costume.

Mysticpenelope remains grateful to all the people who helped her in her recovery and training of in inner transformation work, energy healing and spiritual awareness,  She is also thankful to her spirit guides  who have been with her since childhood. And to the hierarchy of  divine archetypes she now channels to help others to ascend to higher dimensions.

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